A New Relativity (NR) theory by NASA and Stanford University scientist, Professor Selwyn Wright, provides an extension to Einstein’s relativity by redefining our understanding of the Universe and updating aspects of modern physics in a comprehensive and rigorous manner. It challenges Einstein’s Special Relativity as a more compliant and logical theory, providing a new basis for the unification of electromagnetic and gravitational theories.

This theory is supported by a   Main Summary  paper, based on 10 peer reviewed publications (referenced in the column to the left ) presented in 5 countries (China, USA, Morocco, Russia and Sweden).  

Einstein never derived and solved the EM wave equation, as such. Instead, he considered relative motion between the source and observer in his thought experiments, then used Lorentz’s observer motion relative to the propagation medium (ether), and finally setup his field equations with system motion relative to the propagation medium. Einstein’s motional electromagnetic (EM) and gravitational theories have two inherent deficiencies that have prevented them from becoming a unified theory. Firstly, not recognizing that the propagation medium (ether) is the essential thread (reference) that runs through these developments. Secondly not realizing that light and gravity are two forms of the same field – unsteady electric and steady difference electric fields, using the same medium.

New Relativity (NR) corrects and extends Einstein’s relativity. Correction allows Einstein’s relativity to be explained naturally in terms of a propagation medium, i.e. in a causal (predictable) way, allowing new and interesting predictions regarding time travel, colonizing the universe and solving the theory of everything. The extension allows source and observers to move relative to the propagation medium, rather than relative to each other, giving a whole new set of new measured predictions that Einstein’s relativity is unable to resolve.

The new theory extension re-establishes a preferred frame of reference. It creates links between electrical sources and observers in motion, and between electric fields and gravity. NR predicts and confirms the same measured aspects of Einstein’s Special Relativity (SR) based on a medium. It distinguishes between source and observer motion, which predicts additional measured aspects. The medium provides the bridge between the Lorentz transform, accelerating frames and gravity, providing a basis for the unification theory of the universe.

The goal is not only to present a new theory, it is to bring renewed attention to electromagnetic ether theories, especially now that Dark Energy and the Higgs Field are gaining acceptance based on the notion of a propagation medium. A dark energy mechanism for expanding the universe could be provided by a repulsive expansion of the medium, overcoming the attracting field of gravitational mass using the same medium.

Therefore, the Higgs (1964) field is steady residual difference electric field (steady residual gravity field which creates inertia) from all the mass in the universe. The Higgs boson is the particle equivalent of a disturbance (wave) in the Higgs field, which also appears to use the same medium.

New Relativity fits elegantly into place and answers difficult questions and reverses the usual arguments that support Einstein’s ether-less SR.

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Selwyn Wright